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Health benefits of Apricot

 Apricot: Apricot is a small, round fruit with a velvety skin and a sweet-tart flavor. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and is closely related to other stone fruits like peaches, plums, and cherries. Apricots are typically orange or yellow in color and have a soft, juicy flesh surrounding a hard pit or stone. Types: There are several different types of apricots, each with its own characteristics and flavors. Here are some popular varieties: Moorpark: Known for its large size and rich flavor, Moorpark apricots are often used for drying. They have an orange-red skin and a sweet, aromatic taste. Blenheim: Also called Royal or Royal Blenheim, this variety is prized for its exceptional flavor. Blenheim apricots have a yellow-orange skin with a slight blush and a juicy, tangy-sweet taste. Goldcot: These apricots have a bright golden skin and a firm texture. They are typically sweet and mildly tart, making them a popular choice for fresh consumption and cooking. Tilton: Tilton apricots ar