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Showing posts with the label amazing benefits of oranges

Amazing benefits of Orange

  Benefits of Oranges When we think of the health benefits of oranges, the first thing that springs to mind is probably vitamin C. Citrus fruits are a awesome source, but oranges also provide a number of other protective nutrients. The Nutrition of Oranges One navel orange (140 grams) has the following nutritional values Calories : 72.8 calories Fat : <1 gram Carbohydrates : 16.50 grams Sodium : 12.60 milligrams Fiber : 2.80 grams Protein : 1.27 grams There are several different varieties of oranges, such as common oranges, mandarin oranges, blood oranges, acidless oranges, and cara cara oranges. The types of oranges vary according to how they taste, what they look like, their fruit texture, and how much juice they can yield, according to an October 2021 article published in the  International Journal of Food Science . Right here are extra reasons you might determine to eat more oranges, drink more orange juice, or recall grating a few orange peels—as well as simple approaches to re